I told my friend Matt today that if if Mondays didn't exist, Tuesdays ran away, Wednesdays took a long vacation, and Thursdays disappeared, school wouldn't suck quite as bad...and I believe that today.
In complete honesty, I do not like reading for this history class. Right now, I'm taking a five minute break from reading chapters in the Koran, which (1) screams 'Jesus is not happy with you right now!' and (2) isn't all that interesting or easy to follow, especially when there are 100+ verses in one chapter (thank you to the psalmists for only having one chapter be that long).
This semester, I've read a lot in my history classes that compromises my faith. It's not making me do some 'second guess' of who Jesus is or what's truth and what's not truth, but it does make me appreciate the simple faith and trust in a Savior who is bigger than me.
When my teacher asks "Do you really know if Jesus existed?", it makes me a tad angry. He goes on the basis that no one, other than the historian Josephus, wrote about Jesus, and Josephus didn't describe him as the Messiah that Christians believe. The Romans had no record of him, and he never wrote anything down, and only one of the gospel writers was actually there.
At this point, I'm not happy.
My friend Jesse called him down on the last note: Matthew and John were both disciples, Mark witnessed much of what happened in the early days and had a first hand account of parts of the gospel from Peter, and Luke was a doctor at the time that witnessed parts of Jesus's ministry.
Here were my thoughts:
Josephus was a Jew. The Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah. Of course he's not going to be mentioned as the messiah.
The Romans weren't originally fond of Jesus...and they had Him put to death. Why write out a large record of someone you didn't want around.
If you use the logic of 'He didnt write anything down, so he must not exist,' then you have to use it with other historical figures. Notably, Socrates. He didn't write anything down either, but no one seems to question his existence. But, if my teacher can question the existence of my Savior on the basis of Jesus not writing anything down, then I can question the existence of a philosopher.
Anyways...just had to rant on that a little bit.
On a brighter note, Saturday is one day closer. If you live in waycross, ga, you know that it's SWAMPFEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and Saturday is the Swingin' Medallions!!!!!!!
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