Friday, March 5, 2010

Really, really emotionally exhausted.

Friday morning, the world lost a great man of God. I lost a friend.
Penn Mobley was one of the first friends I made in Savannah. He had a tenacity, humor, and wit that were unmatched by anyone that I had ever met. His crazy man ways were enough to make anyone laugh out loud.
He had beaten cancer twice, and was ready for whatever God had in store for him.
I had just seen him on Tuesday...we talked, we joked, I got a Penn-hug. Wednesday, he was in a coma. Thursday, he was declared braindead. Friday morning, he was gone.
I believe that his soul had gone to be with the Father Thursday night, his body was just catching up. These past few days have been tough. I want to focus on the happiness, not on the sadness that I'm feeling. So, I started going through pictures. Penn had this habit of making people laugh...and doing extremely goofy things...
Like when he and Karie tried to open up a can of mandarin oranges with an ice pick and a metal pitcher.

How he flexed his man muscles...then said 'please...what muscles?' when i posted it on my facebook page.

and how he kept trying to eat them...just to hear autumn say 'PENN! STOP IT!' (yes, that picture was totally posed...and worth it, lol)

**More to come...went through some more pictures and found a lot more...**

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