Monday, July 26, 2010

What I want...

These are the 3 things I want, as of late. I don't feel as if this is asking too much.

1. I want guys to be INTENTIONAL with girls. If I don't stand a chance, don't flirt like crazy and make me think that I do, just to leave me with a broken heart later.

2. I want guys to actually look around. There are PLENTY of good, decent, wonderful women around that are just waiting for the day they catch the eye of that guy. Most of what's holding the guy back from just looking around him are completely superficial reasons.

3. I want guys to actually not give girls cop-out answers. Yes, 'You're like my sister' is a COP OUT, especially if you're known to flirt with said person. If she was really like your sister, you wouldn't flirt with her. Chances are, you're really meaning to say 'I care about you and don't want to run the risk of hurting you and ruining our friendship'. If you really feel that, if you got into a relationship with your best girl friend, the friendship would be ruined and that's not something you're willing to risk then TELL HER instead of saying 'Oh, you're like my sister' and continuing to flirt outrageously.


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