Monday, January 11, 2010

whine...well, not so much...

Note: Seth and I are back together. thought you should know.

I'm kind of glad to be back in Savannah. After all, most of the people i would consider close friends are here anyways. Not to mention that living (mostly) by yourself for four months and doing your own thing makes it hard to go back to where you have to worry about what other people are doing. I confess I enjoy spending time with my family, but I also enjoy only having to worry about me. it's nice :-)

I havent hit the homesickness yet, but it may be coming, especially when i realize that my bed isn't made into a blanket fort, and that i cant hear the little people talking in their sleep (nonsense words 90% of the time). Part of me is going to find a way to appease myself...maybe partially covering my roommates car in post-it notes? change all of the names of one of my friends phone contacts to pokemon characters? Excuse my strange sense of humor, but both of those sound rewarding and hilarious.

BCM on Wednesday, Wheeler's on Thursday...two things that I am very much looking forward to :-)

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