Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I have been excited, scared, and nervous. I have been sad, happy, sad, depressed, and back to happy. I'm in need of a few good Robin Williams/Will Ferrell/Jeff Dunham movies to keep me laughing.
I miss Seth terribly. It's so different for me to walk out of class and for him not to be waiting on me. I don't have anyone to eat lunch with, or anyone to sit with and talk to for hours (other than on the phone, but time is money on those things).
I miss my family terribly as well. I almost wish that I would walk into my apartment and trip over tinkerbell, or have to move the beauty and the beast teaset before i lay down at night.
I miss my friends. I have Mandi with me, but we don't have any classed together. Tesh, please pass along to Tonya, Duncan, Brittany, and Keishia that I miss them (yes, i miss you too). It feels really weird, mostly because I don't have anyone to share laughs with. I've only met one person so far, and I haven't seen her since then (she lives on campus and is a biology major, so that might be part of it).
Sadly, I feel like I'm becoming a recluse. I haven't done anything worth noting since I've been here, other chronicle my day to Seth, share an email laugh with my friend Brandon, call my sisters, and realize that me and toto aren't in kansas anymore (teacher with the real long beard was my first clue).
It kicked in today when I went by the newspaper office, just to see if they needed anyone to occasionally do a small something. I realized that leaving WC meant me leaving behind one of my true loves: working on Crossties. Regardless of the stress it caused me, I loved working on it and loved the people who helped me work on it.

The daily comfort comes to me from reading my bible. I bought another one (for a dollar!) at the lifeway store down the road from where I live, so I have one that stays at the apartment and one that goes with me. I didn't know where to start, so I'm reading through Proverbs. I'm actually doing a bible study that I've done before, but it's one of those year-long things that I started in the middle of the year...whoops!

On a brighter note, I am adoring most of my teachers so far. AASU has the semester set up where some classes are offered in a short session, so I only have 3 classes right now. One of them is online, so the only teachers I see on a day to day basis are my world civ teacher and my A&P teacher. I can already tell that I'm going to love my world civ teacher, in that we seem to be somewhat likeminded...somewhat. My A&P teacher is SOMETHING...he's not bad, he's actually very, very funny...he's just one of those people that can be kind of confusing. He randomly curses, which part of me finds hilarious (the other part is slightly offended, but he's not dropping the F bomb or g-ding anything yet, so i think i can deal with that little eccentricity). He also has a really long beard...if he wanted, he could braid it and be a pirate. Or donate it to locks of love (really, i think it is that long). In reality, i think Dr. C and I will get along fine (he's got a very strange combination of Molly smith and Chris Wozny humor...that might be why I like him.)

Anyways, my World Civ teacher (Dr. T) is having us do a human rights project. I've chosen the treatment of orphans around the world, with specific attention to China, Russia, and Africa (don't know where in Africa, will have to look it up). Anyways, may need some help organizing some things for that, don't know where it's going to take me (I've already spoken to Dr. T about it, and he thinks it's a great idea for a project. that's a GREEN light for me!)

See, I've already gotten happy just talking about the project and about Dr. C's long beard...yay!
Peace, love, and Chocolate (which we're out of at the happy house)

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