The semester is coming to a close...finally. Not that it hasn't had it's wonderful points.
I'm coming up with nicknames for my professors and friends, just in case they read this at some point.
Dr. Niceness is going to be missed. I loved the way that just that wonderfully polite mannerism made my day better. I think that courtesy and genuine caring is lost on most college professors.
Dr. McBeardy really should've been in the last few class meetings. no one really knows where he went...and it threw me off on the final.
Dr. Weirdy always has me on my toes with those discussions (mainly about what everything is really shaped as). I think i've learned a thing or two.
Am, Mo, Ba, Ap...they are so awesome. so glad that i started hanging out with them. Always in for a laugh when I'm with them!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
my favorite frustrated rant that I've ever written.
*wrote this a while back, for my myspace blog. enjoy*
A Frustrated Rant
It feels like it's time for a girl to rant about something. Yes, estrogen may be flowing, but honestly, it's one of the few times that women are really okay with sharing everything that they are feeling towards the world.
Guys, please, we know you mean well…but just stop saying you're looking for a nice girl, especially when it's obvious that you're going after the first blond size 0 who flaunts what's under the skirt. Honestly, she's probably been with so many people (a few of your friends no doubt), that if you do get to see what's 'under the skirt,' (God forbid you actually do want to see it) you'll catch something embarrassing. Here's a thought: Look around you. See that geeky looking girl sitting down the row from you, or at the desk next to you? Yeah, she has a great sense of humor, loves to have fun, likes 'man movies' (especially the ones were stuff blows up), would never dream of cheating on any guy that she had the blessed, much prayed for chance to have a relationship with, and guess what else? She's been trying to stop staring at you for the longest time. She's wondering about what it must have been like for the last girlfriend to cheat on such a wonderful guy who has a wonderful smile, great sense of humor, and a wonderful personality. Sure, she may not look like 'your type,' or act like 'your type,' but get this: Girls aren't perfect, just perfect for the guy that God intended for them to have. So guys, let's stop pretending that there's some magical place that the perfect girls exist. If you think you found it, chances are it's between Barbie's Malibu house and Dream house: The smiles are fake and there's a whole lot of plastic, and let a few problems come in the way, (like clashing with a problem, which for Barbie would be the creative crowd under 10), everything starts to look a little rough. The painted teeth will fade, the smile will become slightly creepy, and the hair will look like something out of "Bride of Frankenstein". It's probably across the street from "My Little Pony" world too, but after everything fades and gets creepy, the whole thing is going to feel a lot like those times from college your parents warn you about. Point being: GIVE THE GIRL A CHANCE, DANG YOU! She's been waiting so long just for someone to tell her that they love her, waiting for someone to love her regardless of her dysfunctions, someone who WILL listen to how rotten the day was, and be WONDERFUL enough to bring the ice cream when you come over, just because you know that coming over will get her smiling again, and the ice cream will score you some serious brownie points. We're waiting on you to just come to your senses...realize that yes, there are a lot of fish in the sea, but why go for that poop-eating carp when a beautiful angelfish is shining up the fins, just hoping that you'd notice? Okay, maybe putting on the sparkly eye shadow and the cutest outfit that she's ever bought, but you catch the drift.
Girls, until our angelfish boys come to there senses, there's only a few things we can do. I say we pray that they come to them fast, then revert back to the pews after church, talking about our struggles, and passing out the chocolate (after all, we are women, and chocolate, for some reason, normally makes us feel a tad bit better). Until then, we hope, pray, wait, pray, and hope.Guys, we'd just be happy with a little less waiting.
A Frustrated Rant
It feels like it's time for a girl to rant about something. Yes, estrogen may be flowing, but honestly, it's one of the few times that women are really okay with sharing everything that they are feeling towards the world.
Guys, please, we know you mean well…but just stop saying you're looking for a nice girl, especially when it's obvious that you're going after the first blond size 0 who flaunts what's under the skirt. Honestly, she's probably been with so many people (a few of your friends no doubt), that if you do get to see what's 'under the skirt,' (God forbid you actually do want to see it) you'll catch something embarrassing. Here's a thought: Look around you. See that geeky looking girl sitting down the row from you, or at the desk next to you? Yeah, she has a great sense of humor, loves to have fun, likes 'man movies' (especially the ones were stuff blows up), would never dream of cheating on any guy that she had the blessed, much prayed for chance to have a relationship with, and guess what else? She's been trying to stop staring at you for the longest time. She's wondering about what it must have been like for the last girlfriend to cheat on such a wonderful guy who has a wonderful smile, great sense of humor, and a wonderful personality. Sure, she may not look like 'your type,' or act like 'your type,' but get this: Girls aren't perfect, just perfect for the guy that God intended for them to have. So guys, let's stop pretending that there's some magical place that the perfect girls exist. If you think you found it, chances are it's between Barbie's Malibu house and Dream house: The smiles are fake and there's a whole lot of plastic, and let a few problems come in the way, (like clashing with a problem, which for Barbie would be the creative crowd under 10), everything starts to look a little rough. The painted teeth will fade, the smile will become slightly creepy, and the hair will look like something out of "Bride of Frankenstein". It's probably across the street from "My Little Pony" world too, but after everything fades and gets creepy, the whole thing is going to feel a lot like those times from college your parents warn you about. Point being: GIVE THE GIRL A CHANCE, DANG YOU! She's been waiting so long just for someone to tell her that they love her, waiting for someone to love her regardless of her dysfunctions, someone who WILL listen to how rotten the day was, and be WONDERFUL enough to bring the ice cream when you come over, just because you know that coming over will get her smiling again, and the ice cream will score you some serious brownie points. We're waiting on you to just come to your senses...realize that yes, there are a lot of fish in the sea, but why go for that poop-eating carp when a beautiful angelfish is shining up the fins, just hoping that you'd notice? Okay, maybe putting on the sparkly eye shadow and the cutest outfit that she's ever bought, but you catch the drift.
Girls, until our angelfish boys come to there senses, there's only a few things we can do. I say we pray that they come to them fast, then revert back to the pews after church, talking about our struggles, and passing out the chocolate (after all, we are women, and chocolate, for some reason, normally makes us feel a tad bit better). Until then, we hope, pray, wait, pray, and hope.Guys, we'd just be happy with a little less waiting.
Friday, October 16, 2009
In the event...
In the event that you're already following this blog (Heather and Tesh, and possibly my Mommy), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my other blog. It's for my very, very important human rights project, so I'd really appreciate it!
Friday, October 2, 2009
I started a new job, have a lot going on at school, so multiple apologies for not keeping up with the blog. I'm actually on my way out of the library, heading to girl's bible study with some of my precious friends that I've made thus far (minus one, b/c she's sick.)
I haven't experienced as much homesickness. I'm sure that this is due to the fact that I've been too busy to think about how much I miss the family, the boyfriend, and the friends.
Oh, LOVE the fact that I haven't had to work many weekends so far. I worked last sunday, and will be working next sunday, but that's giving me an opportunity to go to church. Last sunday i worked the lunch shift, so I went to church with a few of my friends in Savannah, at Southside Baptist.
I'm also on the hunt for volunteering opportunities for one of my classes, which is easier said than done. I'm planning on doing a project on the mistreatment of special needs orphans, but I'm having issues finding some sources for the specifics. I also don't know how to be terribly effective for children in Russia, China, etc, while I'm in Savannah. However, I think that I may blog about it (reminder to self: run by Dr. t's office and ask him if that will work. Seems a little more effective than writing letters to the Russian government, especially considering that I'm a little scared of Putin). It'll probably be under a different title, so I'll pass it along if I can. I'll be claiming Proverbs 31:8-9: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
On a completely different note, the Medallions will be in Richmond Hill 2 weeks from if I play my cards right, wear a FL shirt (long story), maybe my managers will let me have that day off....I haven't worked a Friday yet, so I'm still pretty hopeful.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I have been excited, scared, and nervous. I have been sad, happy, sad, depressed, and back to happy. I'm in need of a few good Robin Williams/Will Ferrell/Jeff Dunham movies to keep me laughing.
I miss Seth terribly. It's so different for me to walk out of class and for him not to be waiting on me. I don't have anyone to eat lunch with, or anyone to sit with and talk to for hours (other than on the phone, but time is money on those things).
I miss my family terribly as well. I almost wish that I would walk into my apartment and trip over tinkerbell, or have to move the beauty and the beast teaset before i lay down at night.
I miss my friends. I have Mandi with me, but we don't have any classed together. Tesh, please pass along to Tonya, Duncan, Brittany, and Keishia that I miss them (yes, i miss you too). It feels really weird, mostly because I don't have anyone to share laughs with. I've only met one person so far, and I haven't seen her since then (she lives on campus and is a biology major, so that might be part of it).
Sadly, I feel like I'm becoming a recluse. I haven't done anything worth noting since I've been here, other chronicle my day to Seth, share an email laugh with my friend Brandon, call my sisters, and realize that me and toto aren't in kansas anymore (teacher with the real long beard was my first clue).
It kicked in today when I went by the newspaper office, just to see if they needed anyone to occasionally do a small something. I realized that leaving WC meant me leaving behind one of my true loves: working on Crossties. Regardless of the stress it caused me, I loved working on it and loved the people who helped me work on it.
The daily comfort comes to me from reading my bible. I bought another one (for a dollar!) at the lifeway store down the road from where I live, so I have one that stays at the apartment and one that goes with me. I didn't know where to start, so I'm reading through Proverbs. I'm actually doing a bible study that I've done before, but it's one of those year-long things that I started in the middle of the year...whoops!
On a brighter note, I am adoring most of my teachers so far. AASU has the semester set up where some classes are offered in a short session, so I only have 3 classes right now. One of them is online, so the only teachers I see on a day to day basis are my world civ teacher and my A&P teacher. I can already tell that I'm going to love my world civ teacher, in that we seem to be somewhat likeminded...somewhat. My A&P teacher is SOMETHING...he's not bad, he's actually very, very funny...he's just one of those people that can be kind of confusing. He randomly curses, which part of me finds hilarious (the other part is slightly offended, but he's not dropping the F bomb or g-ding anything yet, so i think i can deal with that little eccentricity). He also has a really long beard...if he wanted, he could braid it and be a pirate. Or donate it to locks of love (really, i think it is that long). In reality, i think Dr. C and I will get along fine (he's got a very strange combination of Molly smith and Chris Wozny humor...that might be why I like him.)
Anyways, my World Civ teacher (Dr. T) is having us do a human rights project. I've chosen the treatment of orphans around the world, with specific attention to China, Russia, and Africa (don't know where in Africa, will have to look it up). Anyways, may need some help organizing some things for that, don't know where it's going to take me (I've already spoken to Dr. T about it, and he thinks it's a great idea for a project. that's a GREEN light for me!)
See, I've already gotten happy just talking about the project and about Dr. C's long beard...yay!
Peace, love, and Chocolate (which we're out of at the happy house)
I miss Seth terribly. It's so different for me to walk out of class and for him not to be waiting on me. I don't have anyone to eat lunch with, or anyone to sit with and talk to for hours (other than on the phone, but time is money on those things).
I miss my family terribly as well. I almost wish that I would walk into my apartment and trip over tinkerbell, or have to move the beauty and the beast teaset before i lay down at night.
I miss my friends. I have Mandi with me, but we don't have any classed together. Tesh, please pass along to Tonya, Duncan, Brittany, and Keishia that I miss them (yes, i miss you too). It feels really weird, mostly because I don't have anyone to share laughs with. I've only met one person so far, and I haven't seen her since then (she lives on campus and is a biology major, so that might be part of it).
Sadly, I feel like I'm becoming a recluse. I haven't done anything worth noting since I've been here, other chronicle my day to Seth, share an email laugh with my friend Brandon, call my sisters, and realize that me and toto aren't in kansas anymore (teacher with the real long beard was my first clue).
It kicked in today when I went by the newspaper office, just to see if they needed anyone to occasionally do a small something. I realized that leaving WC meant me leaving behind one of my true loves: working on Crossties. Regardless of the stress it caused me, I loved working on it and loved the people who helped me work on it.
The daily comfort comes to me from reading my bible. I bought another one (for a dollar!) at the lifeway store down the road from where I live, so I have one that stays at the apartment and one that goes with me. I didn't know where to start, so I'm reading through Proverbs. I'm actually doing a bible study that I've done before, but it's one of those year-long things that I started in the middle of the year...whoops!
On a brighter note, I am adoring most of my teachers so far. AASU has the semester set up where some classes are offered in a short session, so I only have 3 classes right now. One of them is online, so the only teachers I see on a day to day basis are my world civ teacher and my A&P teacher. I can already tell that I'm going to love my world civ teacher, in that we seem to be somewhat likeminded...somewhat. My A&P teacher is SOMETHING...he's not bad, he's actually very, very funny...he's just one of those people that can be kind of confusing. He randomly curses, which part of me finds hilarious (the other part is slightly offended, but he's not dropping the F bomb or g-ding anything yet, so i think i can deal with that little eccentricity). He also has a really long beard...if he wanted, he could braid it and be a pirate. Or donate it to locks of love (really, i think it is that long). In reality, i think Dr. C and I will get along fine (he's got a very strange combination of Molly smith and Chris Wozny humor...that might be why I like him.)
Anyways, my World Civ teacher (Dr. T) is having us do a human rights project. I've chosen the treatment of orphans around the world, with specific attention to China, Russia, and Africa (don't know where in Africa, will have to look it up). Anyways, may need some help organizing some things for that, don't know where it's going to take me (I've already spoken to Dr. T about it, and he thinks it's a great idea for a project. that's a GREEN light for me!)
See, I've already gotten happy just talking about the project and about Dr. C's long beard...yay!
Peace, love, and Chocolate (which we're out of at the happy house)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My own drummer
Following to the beat of my own drummer at this point.
Getting back to where I need to be with my relationship with God.
I more fully understand now why they say that it's easier to get down than it is to get back up.
So we're on the mends of getting back up. It's a work in progress.
Getting back to where I need to be with my relationship with God.
I more fully understand now why they say that it's easier to get down than it is to get back up.
So we're on the mends of getting back up. It's a work in progress.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Savannah Life
I was told that I 'need to live the high life' in Savannah. Honestly, I have no clue what to do. I'd love to go to riverstreet, but IDK how to type that into seth's GPS.
Anywho, Seth was kind enough to leave me his GPS when he left monday, and it has been a definate blessing. He set my apartment as a favorite, so, like when it misdirected me to Kroger, I just press 'Whitney's apartment' and it takes me home..
I'm also discovering that I'm too dependent on technology. I should probably learn to read a map at some point.
Having trouble with financial aid/records/transfer here...not really all there fault, though, it's partially my 3-year home as well, I suppose. Needless to say, it is a PAIN IN THE NECK!!!
However, my surprise scholarship has come in handy. I had a $500 book credit, and my books cost $460! Can't get much better than that, I suppose.
I love the library layout here. If WC had more funds, they could SO pull this off. the majority of the books are on the 2nd floor, which lets people search for books and study away from the annoying typers like myself. It's also ridiculously quiet in here, but it could be because classes aren't in right now.
Off for job applying now...woo...I really need to find one as it is.
Anywho, Seth was kind enough to leave me his GPS when he left monday, and it has been a definate blessing. He set my apartment as a favorite, so, like when it misdirected me to Kroger, I just press 'Whitney's apartment' and it takes me home..
I'm also discovering that I'm too dependent on technology. I should probably learn to read a map at some point.
Having trouble with financial aid/records/transfer here...not really all there fault, though, it's partially my 3-year home as well, I suppose. Needless to say, it is a PAIN IN THE NECK!!!
However, my surprise scholarship has come in handy. I had a $500 book credit, and my books cost $460! Can't get much better than that, I suppose.
I love the library layout here. If WC had more funds, they could SO pull this off. the majority of the books are on the 2nd floor, which lets people search for books and study away from the annoying typers like myself. It's also ridiculously quiet in here, but it could be because classes aren't in right now.
Off for job applying now...woo...I really need to find one as it is.
Monday, July 27, 2009
rain, rain, pasta, pasta
Anyways, it was raining today (but this picture is from a few days ago), and I had a very zen-like calming moment sitting outside and watching it make puddles on the ground. Until the wind started and the swing got wet. Oh well, can't have it all.
It's also important to mention that I really like pasta. I don't know why it's important that I mention that, but oh well. That's what you get for reading a blog belonging to a persont as random as I. Mom's diet food is about to get raided, because the Michelena's stuff has pasta...although, after I make it, I may decide that no pasta is better than diet food pasta.
(Side note: My favorite pasta dish is the Parmesan Chicken Pasta at Ruby Tuedays. I've eaten it so much that everyone, from my boyfriend, my aunt wendy, and the waitress we get all the time, is surprised when I choose something else. If you want to make me happy, get me the parmesan chicken pasta.)
(Side note: My favorite pasta dish is the Parmesan Chicken Pasta at Ruby Tuedays. I've eaten it so much that everyone, from my boyfriend, my aunt wendy, and the waitress we get all the time, is surprised when I choose something else. If you want to make me happy, get me the parmesan chicken pasta.)
Oh, inserting picture to, how shall we say, illustrate the current mood....
It's the end of the semester and I'm moving the week after finals...I'm feeling a bit of stress, if you couldn't tell!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
words from ellie
I believe that this is ellie for 'i'm driving my sister nuts, so we're going to bed now...'
I believe that this is ellie for 'i'm driving my sister nuts, so we're going to bed now...'
camera love
If you know me, you know that my camera is rarely far away from me. I was the editor of Waycross College's newspaper, and learned to have it handy because 'you never know what's going to happen that will make a great story'. I always I actually don't have it with me now, and it's bothering me. Anyways, I thought that i would allow a peak into my brain today with some of the 1000+++ pictures I've taken since i got the camera for christmas.
This is my oversized puppy, Biscuit. I've been told that he looks a lot like Marley from the movie Marley and me. He's not that much trouble (but a close second). I think he was trying to jump on me (he's a big baby and thinks he's a lap dog)
anyways, I'm going to stop with my fangirly-ness now, and probably get back to work. I actually get off in about 30 minutes, so I'm getting ready for lunch!
Oh, upcoming thing I'm going to try to do: Take pictures of the many people I adore at WC, kind of as a 'farewell to the past life' post. I may have to divide it into multiple posts...there are a lot of people that I love here.
Oh, upcoming thing I'm going to try to do: Take pictures of the many people I adore at WC, kind of as a 'farewell to the past life' post. I may have to divide it into multiple posts...there are a lot of people that I love here.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Yogurt diet
Ellie has been on a diet of mostly yogurt....not because i'm not willing to cook more, that's just what she's wanted. she's eaten it 4 times since mom's been gone and asked for it both times that she didn't end up eating it.

She did, however, have ramen noodles for lunch.
With this yogurt kick, I'm going to have to buy some forgot this time.
With this yogurt kick, I'm going to have to buy some forgot this time.
Anyways, Ellie is currently splitting time between her teaset (yes, mom, i's a beauty and the beast one), spongebob, asking nick where filipe is, and playing in the box the grill came in.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
And What I'm contemplating
So, I'm currently in the middle of reading a book called "Julie & Julia", which I bought for the soul purpose of seeing if it would be better than the movie that's coming out this summer. If you don't know the story, Julie Powell (author of the book) spends a year going through the recipes in Julia Child's book 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking'. This has me thinking: Maybe I can do something like this? I don't think I could do Julia Child, just because I'm not terribly fond of French food. So, what chef has recipes that I could spend a year following? Here's the list so far:
1. Paula Dean: My tastebuds would be more accustomed to a PD dish...but I'd die prematurely of heart disease.
2. Rachel Ray: 1/2 the world has done something of her's for an extended period
3. Bobby Flay: here's the question with that: Do I want to grill almost everything for a year (or add cilantro to everything for a year)?
4. Morimoto: 1st, I can't spell his first name...second, I don't think he has a cookbook
5. Cat Cora: We may be able to work with something here...although no one ever challenges her on Iron Chef (well, since i've been watching)...but she's southern and her accent is genuine
6. Guy (whose last name I can't say): we may also be somewhere with him...everything i've seen him make looks like something I would try
7. Michael Symon: I've liked what I've seen him do as well...and i love his voice
8. Gordon Ramsey: my boyfriend watches Gordon Ramsey religiously, so this has to be an option
anyways, that's what I've come up with so far...oh, I can't figure out if next week is the finale of the next food network star or not, but if it is, i'll probably have an opinion about it, so stay tuned!
1. Paula Dean: My tastebuds would be more accustomed to a PD dish...but I'd die prematurely of heart disease.
2. Rachel Ray: 1/2 the world has done something of her's for an extended period
3. Bobby Flay: here's the question with that: Do I want to grill almost everything for a year (or add cilantro to everything for a year)?
4. Morimoto: 1st, I can't spell his first name...second, I don't think he has a cookbook
5. Cat Cora: We may be able to work with something here...although no one ever challenges her on Iron Chef (well, since i've been watching)...but she's southern and her accent is genuine
6. Guy (whose last name I can't say): we may also be somewhere with him...everything i've seen him make looks like something I would try
7. Michael Symon: I've liked what I've seen him do as well...and i love his voice
8. Gordon Ramsey: my boyfriend watches Gordon Ramsey religiously, so this has to be an option
anyways, that's what I've come up with so far...oh, I can't figure out if next week is the finale of the next food network star or not, but if it is, i'll probably have an opinion about it, so stay tuned!
New life conclusion...
I'm to a new conclusion about life.
I'm not having children until I'm at least 28...possibly 30.
And I'll never be able to function as a single parent.
How I learned this:
Mom and JT (mother and little sister, in case some random person is reading) left for their mission trip to South Africa yesterday. Dad had to work today, and my brothers aren't 'stirrable' until at least 10 am on most mornings. This leaves Whitney (me) to get Ellie dressed. She's normally very good when it's just me and her...but factor in the pizza at 10 last night and not getting in bed until 10:45, and you've got problems.
She ate her breakfast (affectionately referred to as 'yogret' in EllieSpeak) and remained distracted with SpongeBob until I reminded her (nicely like mom said to) that she was supposed to be getting dressed. SO...we got the dress on, then looked for the braces (she has Spina bifida, fyi), found the braces, looked for the long socks, found them, put the socks and braces on, put on the 'sparkly shoes' (these shoes are the silver cousins to Dorothy's ruby red slippers), and proceeded to finish the getting ready. Did I mention that Ellie operates on Ellie time, much in the same way that I operate on Whitney time? This is why we're seldom on time if I'm having to take her anywhere with me.
Anyways, I like to be to Sunday School no later than 9:30am, mostly to finish studying, do some praying, etc (I'm normally there by 925). We pulled up at 9:47 (it starts at 945) and still had to walk Ellie to Sunday School...
Which is where Seth came to the rescue. He beat me to church (which is also rare), so I called him and asked him to take my keys and stuff in the church (purse is currently in the washer, had to clean ants out of it) so I could take E to her class. At the rate she's walking (she's normally fairly fast), it seems like it's one of her 'stop and smell the flowers' kind of days. We finally made it to the children's wing and our song director asked how it was going since mom left.
"I'm not having children until I'm at least 28....and I'll never be able to function as a single parent!"
(FYI: my aunt bobbie said that my declaration of childlessness until I was that age was her word of praise for the day. At least it made someone happy.
anyways, Ellie and work tomorrow, the tuesday just class and she stays with daddy. Oh, the fun never ceases.
I'm not having children until I'm at least 28...possibly 30.
And I'll never be able to function as a single parent.
How I learned this:
Mom and JT (mother and little sister, in case some random person is reading) left for their mission trip to South Africa yesterday. Dad had to work today, and my brothers aren't 'stirrable' until at least 10 am on most mornings. This leaves Whitney (me) to get Ellie dressed. She's normally very good when it's just me and her...but factor in the pizza at 10 last night and not getting in bed until 10:45, and you've got problems.
She ate her breakfast (affectionately referred to as 'yogret' in EllieSpeak) and remained distracted with SpongeBob until I reminded her (nicely like mom said to) that she was supposed to be getting dressed. SO...we got the dress on, then looked for the braces (she has Spina bifida, fyi), found the braces, looked for the long socks, found them, put the socks and braces on, put on the 'sparkly shoes' (these shoes are the silver cousins to Dorothy's ruby red slippers), and proceeded to finish the getting ready. Did I mention that Ellie operates on Ellie time, much in the same way that I operate on Whitney time? This is why we're seldom on time if I'm having to take her anywhere with me.
Anyways, I like to be to Sunday School no later than 9:30am, mostly to finish studying, do some praying, etc (I'm normally there by 925). We pulled up at 9:47 (it starts at 945) and still had to walk Ellie to Sunday School...
Which is where Seth came to the rescue. He beat me to church (which is also rare), so I called him and asked him to take my keys and stuff in the church (purse is currently in the washer, had to clean ants out of it) so I could take E to her class. At the rate she's walking (she's normally fairly fast), it seems like it's one of her 'stop and smell the flowers' kind of days. We finally made it to the children's wing and our song director asked how it was going since mom left.
"I'm not having children until I'm at least 28....and I'll never be able to function as a single parent!"
(FYI: my aunt bobbie said that my declaration of childlessness until I was that age was her word of praise for the day. At least it made someone happy.
anyways, Ellie and work tomorrow, the tuesday just class and she stays with daddy. Oh, the fun never ceases.
Regardless, she blesses my socks off!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Living for the moment
Due to the current title of my blog (that I'm not sure why I created...), I feel it's time to address why I'm living for the moment.
There comes a point in everyone's life....well, that start off is completely cliche, now ain't it?
We're in the south, and I prefer to tell it like I see it.
So as I see it now, there's a lot that's going to change for me within the next few months. I'll be moving off to Savannah, sort of 'skydiving' from the nest, so to speak. I'm having to journey to make new friends, meet different people, find my way around a new campus, make new connections...
And it all comes with my wacked out sense of humor...i could do stand up if i thought fast 24/7.
So, currently, I'm just enjoying the mostly unlimited time I have left with my awesome family, absolutely amazing boyfriend, and wonderfully quirky (somewhat) friends.
Welcome to this crazy thing called my life...hope you enjoy

inserting picture of amazing boyfriend along with myself...
thought i'd go ahead and prove his existence.
There comes a point in everyone's life....well, that start off is completely cliche, now ain't it?
We're in the south, and I prefer to tell it like I see it.
So as I see it now, there's a lot that's going to change for me within the next few months. I'll be moving off to Savannah, sort of 'skydiving' from the nest, so to speak. I'm having to journey to make new friends, meet different people, find my way around a new campus, make new connections...
And it all comes with my wacked out sense of humor...i could do stand up if i thought fast 24/7.
So, currently, I'm just enjoying the mostly unlimited time I have left with my awesome family, absolutely amazing boyfriend, and wonderfully quirky (somewhat) friends.
Welcome to this crazy thing called my life...hope you enjoy
inserting picture of amazing boyfriend along with myself...
thought i'd go ahead and prove his existence.
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